Wednesday, January 16, 2013

"Back to the 80's"

Reviewed Item: Trespassing (Album) by Adam Lambert
Reviewer: Moabit

I have only listened to the samples and for some that may not be a good base to write a review, and I usually would not write one on that little bit on information but....when I listened to some of the songs I immediately wanted to hear more, not just for the range of his vocals and the lyrics but because some of the melodies took me back to the 80's respectively. Somewhere in there I thought I caught a glimpse of Duran Duran and other Euro-pop songs of a time long ago, but still a good time.So i can say that there was maybe only one song that I did noty like that much but for all the others I can not wait to hear more. When he did "Mad World" on American Idol I thought he was very good but I did not like some of the songs that followed later on his debut album. This one makes up for all the ones I did not care for.And should he truly play Freddie Mercury, he has won me over totally. I hope he keeps continue to make music that seems to appeal to a younger and older crowd.

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